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Hi, I'm Tebogo Lemekoana

Software developer and Engineer

I am a software developer proficient in C# and Python, skilled in Java, C++, SQL, and currently learning JavaScript. I build desktop software, automation, scripts, static websites, e-commerce, and other dynamic websites and webapps. I love challenges and continually growing myself, I'm not afraid and have a great passion in the tech field.


Full name

Mathibela Tebogo Phillip Lemekoana


18 August 1998


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Professional skills

  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Problem solving
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Attention to detail
  • Teamwork & Interpersonal skill

Software skills

  • Microsoft Visio
  • Visual studio 2015 - 2019
  • VS code
  • Bootstrap studio
  • Pi Charm
  • Git bash and Github

Code skills

  • C# and .NET Framework
  • C++
  • Python 3
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • HTML & CSS
  • SQL

Frameworks and technologies

  • .NET Framework
  • Django
  • PyQt
  • Bootstrap
  • MySql, SQLite, MS SQL Server

Work experience

Hobbyist - developer

LesdoCode - A small business I made
  • I built software for friends and family.
  • Built static and dynamic websites
  • Write automation scripts to make tasks easy